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Let’s create a prosperous and sustainable Rural India together

FDRVC - Open Positions


FDVRC is looking for experienced professionals with an entrepreneurial bent of mind who would provide hands-on support to manage businesses of these enterprises that include Farmer Mobilization, setting up of input business, Commodity procurement, Operations, Marketing of Agri Commodities, training & capacity building, and community-owned institutions management.

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Handloom & Handicrafts

FDVRC is looking for experienced professionals with an entrepreneurial bent of mind who would provide hands-on support to manage businesses in handloom and handicraft cluster development projects

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

General Management

FDVRC is looking for experienced Agri-Business professionals would provide hands-on support to lead enterprises’ businesses projects promoted by us, including Farmer Mobilization, setting up of input business, Commodity Procurement Operations, supply chain management, Marketing of Agri Commodities, training & capacity building, and community-owned institutions management.

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Producer Companies - Open Positions

Bajagloom MBPCL

Bajagloom Mahila Bunkar Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (MPSRLM) and FDRVC as a Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Handloom products such as Home furnishing and fashion accessories. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the upcoming Bajag Handloom Cluster

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Sambandho MBPCL

Sambandho Mahila Bunkar Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Handloom products such as Home furnishing and fashion accessories. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the upcoming Sambandho PC

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Pipilique MHPCL

Pipillique Mahila Hastshilp Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Handicraft products such as embroidered Home furnishing and fashion accessories. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the upcoming Pipili Cluster PC

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Meghloom Eri WPCL

Meghloom Eri WPCL is being promoted in partnership with Meghalaya SRLM(MSRLM) and FDRVC as a Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Eri Silk products such as Eri Yarn, Eri Cocoon and Handloom Home furnishing and fashion accessories. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Meghloom Eri WPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.


Kenna Women Farmer Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Arunanchal State Rural Livelihood Mission and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Kenna WFPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Yug Kisan Parv WFPCL

Yug Kisan Parv Women Farmer Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Maharshrashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (MSRLM) and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Soybeans, Channa, Tur and other commodities

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Yug Kisan Parv WFPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Retusa WFPCL

Retusa Women Farmer Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Arunachal State Rural Livelihood Mission and FDRVC as a Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Retusa WFPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Ropuiliani WFPCL

Ropuiliani Women Farmer Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Mizoram State Rural Livelihood Mission (MzSRLM) and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Ginger, Mizo chilli and other commodities

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Ropuiliani WFPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Xotphul MKPCL

Xotphul Mahila Krishak Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission (ASRLM) and FDRVC as Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. The Cluster will deal in Ginger, Red paddy and other commodities. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Xotphul MKPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Halad-Aada WFPCL

Halad-Aada Women Farmer Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Odisha Livelihood Mission and FDRVC as a Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Halad-Aada WFPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.

Divyasangam MKPCL

Divyasangam Mahila Kisan Producer Company Limited is being promoted in partnership with Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission and FDRVC as a Technical Support Agency to implement the approved intervention plan for the PC. 

FDRVC has been retained to hire multiple positions at the Divyasangam MKPCL

Click on the position for a detailed job description.